Your Partner for Market Expansion
Pre Market Solutions
This business area was designed to help our clients make fully informed decisions about the policies to be applied in the new markets. Poorly selected commercial, logistic or customer service policies have been the cause of many failures. We help our client avoid this…before they start investing more »
Sales & Marketing
This business area aims at developing wholesale and retail sales channels for our clients, assisted by traditional on-shop sales activities, marketing campaigns, B2B, B2C and online sales services. Additionally ESFT BUSINESS GROUP is able to take care of sales fulfillment, invoicing, cash collections, etc. more Âť
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
A properly designed and operated supply chain is critical to put our clients’ products in the right place at the right time (with the right quality and cost). Our proven logistic capabilities grant our clients a competitive advantage. more »
After-Market Solutions
Set of tasks aimed at providing the right level of service expected by final buyers when dealing with a serious company. Through our Service Delivery Centers around the world we are able to provide 24/7, multilingual services for our clients. more »

Pre Market Solutions

Services designed to provide our clients with full experience-based information related to new markets, before they invest in them.

Sales & Marketing

Design and operation of wholesale, retail, B2B, B2C, online and offline sales channels. Additional marketing, branding, sales fulfillment, invoicing and collection services are available.
Logistics & Supply Chain Management

A well managed Supply Chain is a key element for the successful expansion of export markets. We design and operate optimized supply chains on behalf of our clients.

After-Market Solutions

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions for companies requiring contact centers based in their export markets, operating 24/7 in the local language.

Who are We?

ESFT BUSINESS GROUP is a leading global provider of Market Expansion Solutions with a strong focus on fast growing markets. Our offices are located in key European cities and we count on facilities and service delivery centers in several locations around the globe.

This wide geographical coverage, combined with our experienced staff and vast infrastructure makes us the optimal partner for companies looking to expand in new or existing markets.

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What are Market Expansion Solutions?

Market Expansion Solutions or MES is one of the latest and fastest growing trends in international trade and global business practices.

The term entails the cooperation between a company looking to expand export markets and a locally operating MES provider, which ideally should count on both experienced staff and physical assets on the markets to be developed.

By making use of the MES provider's infrastructure and experience, companies are able to achieve market expansion in a faster and more sustainable way, while keeping investment-related risks to a minimum.

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